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Calendar Management
Save and Time and Energy with Our Best Practices & Advanced Features
9 articles
Create a new CalendarCreate a personalized calendar for your client in your HeyOrca account.
Manage your calendar settingsConnect social accounts, add team members, stakeholders, and more - all in your calendar settings.
Delete a calendar in HeyOrcaRemove any unused calendars from your dashboard and make space for new clients!
Use Event Strips for to communicate high-level strategy to your clientsUsing Event Strips to complement your social media strategy
Copy posts to different social accounts and calendarsHow to use the copy function to copy posts from one social account or calendar to another!
Use Bulk Actions to maximize efficiencyEdit multiple posts at the same time with bulk actions
Export content from HeyOrcaHow to export content from HeyOrca into an Excel spreadsheet
Optimize your content schedule with Best Times to PostReceive posting time suggestions based on your past performance
Change your timezoneAdjust each calendar’s timezone in HeyOrca to suit your clients location