Uploading a video feels very similar to uploading an image in HeyOrca. When creating or editing a post, simply click the video icon and upload your video:
Once your video has been processed, you can also modify the video details including the title and a custom thumbnail. The maximum size video that can be uploaded in HeyOrca is 1GB.
Recommended video formats based on social platform requirements
Recommended Video Dimensions: 1280 x 720 pixels
Minimum Width: 1200 pixels
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Landscape) to 9:16 (Portrait)
H.264 video with AAC audio in MOV or MP4 format
Audio codec: AAC, 48khz sample rate maximum, 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo)
When exporting your video from editing software (ex: Final Cut Pro, Avid, iMovie) we recommend these custom settings:
An aspect ratio no larger than 4000px wide and divisible by 16px
A frame rate at, or below, 30fps
Stereo audio with a sample rate of 44,100hz
Videos should not contain edit lists or special boxes in file containers
Audio codec: AAC, 48khz sample rate maximum, 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo)
Check out Facebook's Recommendation on Video Formatting.
Video specifications and recommendations from X (in addition to the 512MB file size limit) include:
Duration should be between 0.5 seconds and 140 seconds
Dimensions should be between 32x32 and 1280x1024
Recommended Video Resolution: 1280x720 pixels (landscape), 720x1280 pixels (portrait), 720x720 pixels (square)
Aspect ratio should be between 1:3 and 3:1
Recommended Frame Rates: 40 FPS or less.
Audio should be mono or stereo
Recommended Minimum Video Bitrate: 5,000 kbps
Recommended Minimum Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Recommended Audio Codec: AAC LC
Videos with HE-AAC audio are not supported for X posts
Check out X's Guide to Uploading Media Files
Publishing through the HeyOrca Mobile App:
Video aspect ratio: Landscape (1.91:1), Square (1:1), Vertical (4:5)
Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 landscape) / 600 x 600 pixels (1:1 square) / 600 x 750 pixels (4:5 vertical)
Minimum video length is 3 secs
Maximum video length is 15 minutes
Maximum size is 1GB
Frame rate should be 30fps max
Audio codec: AAC, 48khz sample rate maximum, 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo)
Direct Publishing Video/Reels content:
Max file size of 100MB
Aspect ratio between 4:5 and 16:9
Resolution: Minimum (540x960, 540p) Maximum: N/A
Min. width: 600
Max width 1920
Videos: 3 seconds min
Reels: 3 seconds min, 15 minutes max
File format: MP4 or MOV
Framerate: Minimum 23 FPS, Maximum 30FPS
Audio codec: AAC, 48khz sample rate maximum, 1 or 2 channels (mono or stereo)
Here are some things to note if you plan on publishing Instagram Reels directly with HeyOrca:
Reels are shared on your feed automatically and will appear in the Grid view, as long as they are directly published
Only Instagram professional accounts (Instagram Business and Creator) that are enabled for direct publishing will be able to show upcoming Reels in the Instagram Grid Preview
You can choose a thumbnail from the video as your cover photo
Reels published through HeyOrca will be original audio (we aren’t able to choose trending audio at this time)
For more information on Instagram’s video specs, check out the Facebook Help Center.
Direct Notifications from TikTok:
50MB Maximum, MP4 Only
Frame Rate: 23-60 fps
3 seconds min, 60 seconds max
Video Width: 960-4096 pixels
Video Height: 540-2160 pixels
Accepted aspect ratios: 9:16/1:1
Mobile Notifications from HeyOrca:
1GB Maximum, MP4, MOV
Frame Rate: 23-120 fps
1-600 seconds
Video Width: 960-4096 pixels
Video Height: 540-2160 pixels
Accepted aspect ratios: 9:16/1:1
LinkedIn (Personal/Business Pages)
Video specifications and recommendations from LinkedIn include:
Must be between 3 seconds and 10 minutes
Max file size is 1 GB
Aspect ratio must be between 1:2.4 and 2.4:1
Resolution range is 256x144 to 4096x2304
Max frame rate is 60FPS
Must be .mp4 file type
Video specifications and recommendations from YouTube include:
Shorts length must be under 60 seconds
Shorts aspect ratio must be 9:16 (1080x1960)
YouTube long format videos can be up to 10 minutes long
YouTube long format aspect ratio is 16:9 (1920x1080)
YouTube currently supports 1080p videos
.Mp4 and .MOV files are supported
Max file size is 100MB
Google My Business does not currently support video posts.