In this article, you'll learn about the customizable notification options available within HeyOrca.
We'll guide you through the different types of notifications you can adjust—such as approvals, revisions, comments, and community management—and explain how to tailor these settings to your workflow.
You'll also discover how to manage email and in-app notifications, set the frequency of alerts, and turn off unnecessary notifications, ensuring you're always in the loop!
What notifications does HeyOrca send?
HeyOrca enables you and your team to customize the following notifications:
Ad account reauthorization
Community Management
Approval Reminders
Failed Posts
Adjust your notifications
Hover over your name in the bottom left corner of your window to view the main menu:
Select Notification Settings from the menu:
Expand your notification settings for your calendars. For each calendar you belong to, you can set notifications according to your workflow. Use the arrow to open up the notification settings for each calendar, or press Expand All to open them all.
In the notification settings page, choose which notifications you want to receive.
Where applicable, notifications can be adjusted for both email and in app notifications, or only email notifications.
Email notifications
Choose how often you want to receive each type of notification.
For email notifications, you can change the frequency to be any of the following:
Live - You will receive notifications in real-time
Hourly - You will receive one email notification an hour, with consolidated updates
Daily - You will receive one email notification per day at 4:00 pm EST, with consolidated updates
Off - You will not receive notifications
In-app notifications
In-app notifications can be enabled or disabled.
Community Management notifications
For your Social Inbox, you can choose the frequency for email notifications for each engagement type - comments, mentions and direct messages.
Approval Reminder and Failed Post notifications
Approval Reminders and Failed Posts can only be turned to off, or live. Approval Reminders will notify when your content is close to the publishing time.
Failed Posts notifications will notify if your content fails to publish.