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Create a Note in HeyOrca

Store your client info👩‍💻, content ideas💡, branding guidelines🎨 and more with HeyOrca Notes!

Updated over 9 months ago

Keep all your content and context organized in one place with HeyOrca Notes! ✍️

Notes are available on all plan types!

Navigate to notes by clicking on the notes icon from the left navigation bar while any calendar is selected:

Red arrow pointing to the Notes icon

Here you will see all of your notes for the calendar you are currently in. You can create a new note by clicking the + Create button at the top of your screen: 

Arrow directing user to the Create button, located in the top right

A blank, untitled note will then appear on your screen and you can click the Edit button in the top right corner to edit the note: 

Add a title by clicking and typing where it says Untitled Note. You can begin adding to your note by clicking and typing in the blank space below: 

User added a title and text to the previously blank note

Click the Save button in the top right corner when you’re done editing, to ensure that all changes to the note are saved: 

Arrow indicating the save button, located in the top right

To update a note, select the note and click the Edit button.

HeyOrca Notes makes client information easy to find, organize, and update!😊

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