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Share your HeyOrca content!

Share a link to specific posts, or to the entire calendar for easy future review! ✅

Updated this week

Sharing your HeyOrca content is easy and only takes a few clicks! This article covers 4 simple ways you can share your content to your team or clients!

Table of contents

  • Create shareable links

  • The Universal Link

  • Select a date range

  • Select specific posts

  • Send content to your clients pre-approved

Create shareable links

Send a shareable link to your team and clients for easy content review and approvals!

Shareable links can be created by selecting your desired posts and pressing the share button

You can copy the generated link by pressing Copy Link!

Screenshot displays the in-screen modal that generates your Shareable Link, the modal has a button to Copy Link

The Universal Link

The universal link can be accessed from your calendar settings page! Additionally, if no posts are selected, clicking the Share button will generate a universal link to the calendar. This link will include all content, including drafts and will update as new posts are added and changes are made. The universal link is best for clients and internal stakeholders who you are comfortable sharing content with at all stages. 

Arrow indicating the Universal Access Link within the Calendar Settings page

Copy the link to your clipboard and send it to your clients to save for future review!

Select a date range

Use the Select date range feature to easily select a whole week or month of content. 

Screenshot of a user who has selected the entire month of March 2024 as their date range

Then, click the blue Share button to create a link to the selected posts. Copy the link and send it to your clients through Email, or however you prefer to communicate.

Pro Tip: Use Filters to view only posts from a specific social network, or tag on your calendar and then select the date range to share!

Select specific posts 

Check the box next to a post to select it.

Screen recording of a user individually selecting posts to use to create a shareable link

You can also check the box in the top left corner of the date in Month View to select all the posts for an entire day. 

Then, click the blue Share button to create a link to the selected posts. Copy the link and send it to your clients through Email, or however you prefer to communicate.

Note: The posts you share will display in the view that you currently share them as. For example, if you're working in day view, your clients and team will see them in day view.

Pro Tip: If you want to check out how this link will link will look for your clients, open the link in an incognito window!

Send content to your clients pre-approved

Not every client will demand the same level of oversight on the content you are building on their behalf. Some of them will want to sit back and let you do your thing - especially once you have mastered their brand!

If the reviewal process is more of a “nice-to-have” for your client, send posts over to them pre-approved. This will allow your clients to reject posts they DON’T like, but won’t require them to approve every single post - saving the client time and making sure that your work will get published even if they don’t get around to reviewing!

If there are particular posts that you need the client to see, you can add a post tag - like the client’s name, or “Please Review”, or @mention them in the comment section to draw attention to specific posts.

Screenshot of a TikTok video where the post has already been approved from the Post View

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