Placeholder accounts in HeyOrca let you create posts for social accounts that aren’t directly supported for publishing. Instead, you can publish content using mobile or email notifications.
With Placeholder accounts, your team can centralize content planning and strategy in HeyOrca, keeping everything in one place. When it's time to publish, you'll receive a reminder notification, making it easy to post with just a few clicks.
Add a Placeholder account
To add a Placeholder account, visit the calendar settings and select Add a Placeholder.
Next, select the channel type you want to add from the drop-down.
Currently, you can add:
Facebook Groups
Custom Channel - for any channel type not included in the current selection!
You can also add a Placeholder account for other channels we support, including:
Google Business Profile
To further customize your Placeholder account, you can change the profile image as well as add in the channel title. Hit Save to create the account.
Manage your Placeholder notification settings
Placeholder accounts allow you to publish content via mobile and email notifications. You can choose between email notifications only, mobile notifications only or both email and mobile notifications.
Your content will notify your selected team member 5 minutes before the selected publishing time.
Notifications are enabled by default when a placeholder account is added. To disable notifications, use the drop-down and select Disable Publishing.
You can choose which team member will receive the content notification using the drop-down menu.
How Placeholder publishing works
Once your account is created you can begin to plan your content and collaborate with your team.
Your clients can approve or reject them just like they can with for any other account, before your team publishes that content outside of HeyOrca.
5 minutes before your scheduled time, the selected team member will be notified via the mobile app and by email with the contents of your post. Clicking on the notification will open the HeyOrca mobile app and bring you to the post.
To publish your content, select Download to Publish. Your media will be downloaded, and the caption will be copied to your clipboard. You can then post your content natively on the platform.